UnitedCrowd: Tokenization Accelerator and upcoming ICO
The ICO market has grown enormously. But as more and more ICOs are beeing launched, observers of the market can not help but notice that serious problems have still not been solved satisfactorily. In large parts, the ICO market is still wild west for investors and companies alike. There are no binding informational standards, a general lack of quality assurance and trustful evaluation sources are rare. One frequently gets the impression that an ICO was started even before the project was put on solid footing — whether through inability or negligence of the projects’ teams.
On the other hand, access to funding from an ICO remains denied to many promising start-ups. A successful ICO requires expertise, time, a good network and not least financial resources that many founders do not have. Only with a professional implementation and sound corporate planning investors trust that their investments will bear fruit.
With its Tokenization Accelerator UnitedCrowd offers a solution to these problems that serves both — start-ups and investors. Start-ups can apply online at f6s.com/unitedcrowd. All incoming applications go through a strict multi-stage selection process, including due diligence.
The Accelerator Program covers all aspects of tokenization and business development to not only launch a successful ICO, but to also be prepared for the time after investments have been received. Therefore, a team of experts and professionals advises and performs in close collaboration with the team everything from legal and strategic consultation, marketing, technical implementation, document preparation, all the way to community building and the support during the token sale. UnitedCrowd covers all corresponding expenses and offers access to its network of partners, investors and advisors. In return, UnitedCrowd receives tokens from participating ICOs.
Due to the strict selection process and high-quality standards investors can rely on the quality and good prospects of the supported ICOs.
With its own token, the UCTx, UnitedCrowd creates a community that profits from attractive pre-emptive rights on pre-sale tokens, exclusive information and the chance to actively collaborate on promising projects.
Find more information and keep up to date at unitedcrowd.com